Money Mule

Money Laundering   Money laundering is a current crime of interest. Money laundering can be characterized as a formulation of a shell company to hide dirty money and or hide identities by crime facilitators (FBI, 2021). Raza et al (2020) argues “Money laundering is a complicated activity, in which the source and nature of dirtyContinue reading “Money Mule”

Researchers debate rather Criminal Thinking is a predictor for recidivism.

Criminal thinking is characterized as a psychosocial factor, antisocial cognition, a form of criminogenic thinking and or a criminogenic factor (Folk et al, 2018; Miller, 2012; Prell et al 2016; Walters & Lowenkamp, 2016). Dr. Eric Hickey of the Forensics Department at Walden University argues you are not a criminal until you have been caughtContinue reading “Researchers debate rather Criminal Thinking is a predictor for recidivism.”

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